The preschool program offers students the opportunity to play, interact and learn. Experiences in exploration, discovery and modeling are planned daily. Opportunities for the child’s creativity and individuality are provided along with cognitive and social development. Social skills are practiced through activities that develop wholesome attitudes toward one’s self, family and society.
Children have music and physical education several times weekly. They visit the
library once a week and children ages 3 and up go to our computer lab once per
The kindergarten program follows the NC Standard Course of Study, Saxon Math ®, Saxon Phonics ®, and a theme-based curriculum providing an excellent preparation for first grade. Kindergarten also offers a smaller class size which enables ample one-on-one interaction between teacher and child. Music and physical education are provided
twice weekly, as well as computer lab once per week.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. II Thimothy 2:15