Mud Creek Christian School
A ministry of Mud Creek Baptist Church 
Preschool and Kindergarten Guidelines
What's a "Mud Puppy"?
    • BackpacksMud Creek Christian School will provide a complimentary backpack for each child, you need not purchase one for your preschooler.
    • Birthdays: Parents may provide for a birthday celebration for their child’s class. These events should be scheduled in advance with your child’s teacher.
    • Clothing: Comfortable, easy care clothing suitable for the season is recommended. Except in extreme weather conditions, your child will be outside for some part of each day. Children should not be sent to school if too sick to go outside for a few minutes. For emergencies, extra clothes should be sent with your child, clearly labeled with child’s name. For safety both indoors and out, clothing with dangling strings or belts should be avoided.
    • Conferences: Your child’s teacher will schedule two parent conferences per year (usually during November and March) to discuss the growth and development of your child. However, you may request a conference at any time with the teacher.
    • Developmentally Appropriate: All programs and activities seek to provide learning experiences that are appropriate for the age and maturity of the child.  This includes the areas of emotional, social, intellectual, physical and spiritual development.
    • Early Arrival: (8:15-8:45) This may be an option for working paretns.  Early drop-off begins at 8:15 A.M. daily. There is a charge of $3.00 per day. Teachers escort the children to the appropriate classroom. Inquire at the school office if you are interested in utilizing this service.  Advance registration is required for early drop off. 
    • Illnesses: Please notify us if your child is going to be absent due to an illness.  We need to know when a child has been exposed to a contagious illness.  Should your child become ill after arriving at Mud Creek Baptist Church, you will be called to pick up your child.  If your child has a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, conjunctivitis (pink-eye), Scabies (head lice) or any communicable disease, he/she may not attend the program.  Following an illness, your child may return under the following conditions:
      • Infection: free from fever of 100° F. or above for 24 hours (without the aid of medication);
      • Conjunctivitis: 24 hours following treatment, no discharge from the eyes, approval from physician;
      • Chicken Pox: all sores are scabbed (approximately 7 days);
      • Measles: no rash or fever;
      • Mumps: no swelling;
      • Head Lice: treatment and remove all nits (eggs) before returning child to school;

              Note: Teachers cannot administer medications.


  • Late Pick Up: Preschool ends promptly at 12:00 noon.  A late pick up charge may be assessed for children left beyond the ending time.  Every effort should be made to pick your child up on time.  If you are going to be late please notify the office.
  • Leaving & Picking Up Your Child: Parents are asked to bring their child directly to the classroom door.  Children will only be released to the parents, guardians or other adults authorized in writing to take custody of the child.  The individual picking the child up will be asked to sign the child out and may be required to show identity.  If you are picking your child up early – please sign the child out in the Director’s office before leaving.
  • Meals & Snacks: Morning snacks are provided each day by the parents of the children in each room.  Parents are asked to donate snacks and juice for each child in the room no more than twice a month.  Please do not send food with your child unless it is your snack day or prior arrangements have been made for a special occasion or celebration.  This process will allow us to continue to give you quality care without a large tuition increase.  It is important to inform the teacher of any allergies your child may have and be sure to note this on the registration form and health records.
  • Payment Policies: Payment may be made in cash (receipt given) or check. All checks should be made payable to Mud Creek Christian School. Tuition and other fees are due on or before 12:30 p.m. the first of each month.  A late fee of $10.00 is assessed automatically after the 7th of each month.
  • Release of Liability: The parental agreement form included in this handbook and provided to each parent to sign and return, includes a release of liability.  The Mud Creek Christian School staff operates under extreme care and responsibility in providing the best possible care for your child.  Accidents, mishaps and the contracting of illnesses are inherent risks to a group care setting.
  • School Photographs: School pictures are made in the fall and are delivered in time for Christmas. Purchase is optional and prices vary according to the selected package.
  • Visits: We operate with the welcome mat always out.  You are encouraged to visit MCCS at any time. Please check in at the office for a visitor’s tag.
  • Withdrawal: Two weeks prior written notice to the teacher is requested for withdrawal of your child.
Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. I Peter 2:16