Mud Creek Christian School
A ministry of Mud Creek Baptist Church  

Statement on Discipline


Self discipline is the goal at MCCS with the understanding that children learn more and behave best through positive reinforcement, praise and encouragement. As children mature they normally develop increased self-control and self-discipline.  The child’s self-esteem and personal dignity is protected while the focus is directed on the desired behavior.  Corporal punishment is not used by the MCCS staff or administration. See our Discipline and Behavior Management Policy  for additional information and details.


The following procedures are used when discipline is needed:


  1. Positive reinforcement of good behaviors;
  2. Reminder statements concerning rules of the classroom;
  3. Teachers will confer individually with the child to encourage verbalizing specific needs or problems related to the behavior in question;
  4. Time-out, separation from the activity or group for a short period of time;
  5. Referral to the Director or his designee for conference;
  6. Parent conference;
  7. Suspension from program if problems cannot be corrected;


A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. Proverbs 1:5