First Aid and CPR (Infant/Child) Training: Teachers and most staff are certified in both Red Cross First Aid and Infant-Child CPR. These certifications are required to be updated annually (CPR) or every three years (First Aid Basics).
Health and Safety Inspections: MCCS meets all legal requirements of the local fire codes, building codes, health and sanitation. MCCS receives regular inspections by the local fire marshal, and health inspector.
Staff Safety: Prospective employees must submit to drug screening and a criminal background check, and must submit a physician's statement of medical, physical and emotional qualification. The applicant also certifies to be free of any communicable disease. Previous employers and references are checked prior to hiring.
Student Records: A current, written record is maintained for each child, including the results of a complete health evaluation (within 30 days of enrollment), record of immunizations, emergency contact information, names of those authorized to pickup the child, and other pertinent health history, such as allergies or chronic conditions.
Illness: MCCS has a written policy (see Parent Handbook, page 7) given to all families, specifying the condition under which sick children are to be excluded in accordance with public health regulations and state child care standards.
Parking Lot Safety: Ample parking spaces are available at MCCS and well as clear, open ingress and egress. Handicapped spaces are also available and conveniently located. Safety cones are used to block traffic in designated areas.
Supervision: Children are under adult supervision at all times. There is specific accountability for each child by the lead teacher.
Health Alertness: Staff are alert to the health of each child. Individual medical problems and accidents are recorded and reported to staff and families.
Health Screening:
Vision Screening is provided each year to MCCS children by professionals with the N.C. branch of Prevent Blindness America. Parents receive referral notification of any suspected vision problems needing further examination by a physician. Because of this service for MCCS children, serious vision problems have been discovered and treated early.
Dental Hygiene Instruction is provided to students at MCCS from visiting dental hygienists from the Henderson County Department of Public. "Tooth Time" is a dental health curriculum for preshcool children ages 2-5. The curriculum is designed for one week of dental lessons and activities at teachers use in the classroom. Teachers are trained in teaching "Tooth Time". Dental screenings are performed at MCCS annually for the kindergarten class by the Henderson County Health Department.
Suspected Child Abuse: Suspected incidents of child abuse and/or neglect are reported to the Director of Social Services in Henderson County, as required by law (NC General Statute 115C.400).
Medical Emergencies: MCCS has emergency medical plans. The plan includes a source of emergency medical care, written parental consent for emergency treatment and arrangements for transportation. First-aid supplies are readily available for emergency use.
Appropriate Dress: Children are dressed appropriately for outdoor activities and have a change of clothes available when needed.
Sanitation of Facilities: The facility is cleaned daily. Trash is removed daily. Equipment, toys and tables are disinfected daily. Strict procedures by the NC Division of Child Development are followed.
Handwashing: Strict handwashing guidelines and training are followed by staff and students. Handwashing signs and regulations are posted in every classroom. A sink with soap and running water is adjacent to diapering areas. Soap and paper towels are always available.
Maintenance of Building and Equipment: The building and outdoor facilities are maintained in a safe and clean condition. Maintenance staff are on duty daily.
Playground and Equipment: A playground safety inspection is conducted regularly. The playground sandbox is kept covered. Trash and litter are not allowed to accumulate. Children play in one of three age-appropriate, fenced playgrounds at MCCS. Resilient material is provided under the equipment and fall zones. The playground design and equipment meet the guidelines of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Handbook for Public Playground Safety.
Lighting and Ventilation: All rooms are well-lighted and ventilated. Heating and air conditioning is temperature controlled.
Miscellaneous: Stairwells are well-lighted and provided with hand-rails. Fire extinguishers, central fire alarm system, and emergency lighting are installed. Electrical outlets are covered with child-safety devices when not in use.
Emergency Evacuations: All staff are familiar with emergency evacuation routes and practice monthly with the children. Emergency evacuation routes are posted in each room. Fire drills are conducted monthly and documented. Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are provided and periodically checked. Emergency telephone numbers are posted by telephones.